I Heart MOPS


I’d like to give a shout-out today to a group I have long admired.


Mothers of Preschoolers.  What I love about them is that they recognize the true importance of this season of parenting.

They are all about planting the seeds of strong marriages and rearing children who love the Lord.

 If you have a preschooler you are my hero. At this age, your children may not be able to tie their shoes, or reach the light switch, or get themselves buckled into their car seats. These are high maintenance years for moms filled with exhaustion, but balanced by joy and the most tender moments imaginable. Your children will love you with abandon while wearing you out! MOPS gives support and encouragement for both sides of this equation.

MOPS began in 1973 when  a group of mothers got together for the purpose of supporting mothers of preschoolers. They organized a time together with mentors, speakers, and sharing. Through the years, they have grown into an international organization that is standing ready to welcome you as if you were the only mother with a preschooler!

For over 25 years I have had the great privilege of speaking to MOPS groups all over the country. You could say I cut my teeth by speaking to MOPS groups, because they fed me the questions that mothers get quite often at this age….”Mommy, how does that baby get out of you?”…etc.

I have found that mothers of preschoolers and I agree that these impressionable years are not to be missed. Raising up a child in the way they should go starts right from the start. Learning respect for bodies from their parents, as well as a pure wonder at God’s creation, is a great start on the road to shaping their character. 

If you are finding yourself either wanting to give or receive this kind of support…let me commend a local MOPS group to you. You can find them on-line at www.mops.org

I am a fan of MOPS because of the dignity and purpose that is bestowed on these young mothers – THE HEROES OF THE HOME, the ones who tenderly care for the young.

God bless them every one!

18 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Liz McKinney said,

    We are ordering her program for our MOPS group!

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    Linda R. said,

    Awesome Mary Flo!!!

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    Jenny Williams said,

    Thank you Mary Flo & MOPS for all you do to help the moms out there.

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    Sue B said,

    Thanks for recognizing the importance of yourg moms in shaping their children’s character. Being a mom, is the best job and somedays the hardest job in the world!

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    amber simpson said,

    Thank you! I’m the new co-coordinator for our MOPS group this year and I LOVE what MOPS is about. Thanks for your encouraging words!

    Amber Simpson

  6. 7

    Linda R. said,

    I just looked at your website, http://www.MaryFlo.org and love the video clips of you.

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    Ruth said,

    When you are a mom of young ones, support from others is a must!! Find a MOPS group, Early Childhood PTA, neighbors, other parent’s day out or daycare parents, a random parent you see when you are out walking your neighborhood with a stroller– anyone to help you get through and enjoy these early years!!

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    Debbie said,

    I had no idea MOPS was that big. Thanks for the link to the site, we just moved and I need to get plugged in.

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    Amy S. said,

    Thank you, Mary Flo! You’ve been a lifesaver!!

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    Diane said,

    What a wonderful blog on MOPs! Thank you for encouraging words. I love being the mom of a preschooler. She keeps me on my toes!

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    Lynn Robinson said,

    MOPS was a lifeline after the birth of my first child and living in a new city with no relatives or friends in the immediate area

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    Colleen said,

    Thanks for all you do – I have heard you speak before and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  13. 14

    Colleen said,

    I have heard you speak before and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for all you do. I tried to submit this earlier and don’t see it here so thought I’d try again.

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    Kara said,

    I try to see you at least once a year whenever you are in our area! I always need a refresher course and so much changes in my children’s development since the last workshop! I love the way you present this material and think it to be so important for my children to lead healthy wonderful lives!!! THANK YOU!!!

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    Robyn said,

    MOPS is a great organization! I’ve been a part of a MOPS group for 2 years now. Such a great group of ladies. I highly recommend this organization.

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    lori said,

    missed you at our church the last time you were there, looking forward to a repeat after all the rave reviews

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    Leanna said,

    Can I just put a plug in for MOPS’ newest extension – MOMSnext! It’s MOPS – but for moms of school-age kids. The issues keep getting bigger – and the need for community goes on and on!

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